Monthly Archives: July 2010

Spencer’s Papercut Wedding Gift to Liz

Spencer and Liz just got married.  They are adorable and so was their wedding.

Apparently, they have a thing for Pride and Prejudice.  Liz loves it, and her name is Elizabeth (i assume) like the main character, and Spencer copped one of Mr. Darcy’s lines in his proposal.  Liz walked down the aisle to the instrumental music from the movie Pride and Prejudice from the scene where Elizabeth is standing on a cliff called Liz on Top of the World.  She appeared in the back of the church right at the most uplifting, gorgeous moment of the song and I teared up.  I know Spencer did too.

Anyway, Spencer commissioned me to make a gift for Liz- a papercut design with a Mr. Darcy quote silkscreened in the center.

I didn’t get a chance to get a very good picture of it before handing it over.  It was a rough week- we moved all week and then drove to DC for the wedding.

The actual color the piece was mounted on was the jungley green- the one under it in this photo:

I really enjoyed the designing and cutting of the border.  The vines and the ribbon edges turned out just how I envisioned them.  (fyi- I cut out the middle connections on the tall sides of the outside edge of the border before giving it to the groom).  I love the cutting part of papercut- all the decisions are already made and you can turn your mind off and just complete the task.

Imagine your real-life love speaking the immortal words of Mr. Darcy…sigh.


Filed under Paper Goods